Quick Chicks in a Blanket Recipe

As you know for other talks, we like to reuse everything possible. Waste is a terrible that but food waste is worse. So for today’s Quick Chicks in a Blanket Recipe, we refer you to our previous talk on Homemade Chocolate Filled Hot Pockets. This Quick Chicks in a...

Homemade Chocolate Filled Hot Pockets Recipe

As with some of our other talks, this is one of those “odd” things that the kids brought home to make. Homemade Chocolate Filled Hot Pockets Recipe is a quick, easy if a bit odd recipe for chocolate-filled bread pocket snacks. When the kids come home with “let’s...

Summer Homemade Ice Cream Recipe

If you are in the South like we are, you know summer is hot and humid. One of the best ways to cool off is with ice cream. Specifically, a Summer Homemade Ice Cream Recipe. Yes, homemade ice cream used to be the highlight of many summer eatings, campings, swimmings,...

It Is Spring: Time for Chicks

It is Spring, Time for Chicks, this is one of our very first talks we did when we started Out Standing in the Field. Looking back, as we have learned a great deal since this talk went out, it was not put together all that well. We admit this and here is a re-write...
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