How to DIY homemade Garlic Salt

As you know, we love homemade cooking. We also love DIY recipes. Also, we love garlic. So today we give you a recipe for how to make your own DIY Garlic Salt. There are two general ways to make your own DIY homemade Garlic Salt, we will give you both. The process for...

Healthy DIY Winter Bird Suet

Today we want to share a recipe with you for your birds, Healthy DIY Winter Bird Suet. Now this recipe can be used for both domestic birds if you have them, chickens, ducks, and the like, as well as for wild birds.   This recipe is similar to one we did this past...

Start Off the New Year Greener: Part 5

Today we have Start the New Year Greener: part 5, Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, and Teaching kids about Sustainability. These may be common things that you hear every day but they still hold true. This is the last in our 5 part series. If you missed any of the other talks...
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