Mimi’s Best Orange Chiffon Muffin Recipe

Today we are continuing our Summer Dessert Recipe Series with a slightly different kind of recipe.  Today we have Mimi’s Best Orange Chiffon Muffin Recipe. From our other talks, you know, we like quick, simple recipes. Please note, that this is not one of those....

Easy 4 step Pineapple Surprise Dessert Recipe

As we continue with our Summer Dessert Recipe Series, we want to share an Easy, 4-step Pineapple Surprise Dessert Recipe. This recipe was introduced to us some years ago. To this day, we are still not sure what the surprise part is. It is a simple, quick, and very...

The Worlds Best Sweet Almond Dessert Crackers

As we move on with our Summer Dessert Recipe Series, we have a cracker rather than a cookie. The title tells you everything, this recipe is indeed for the world’s best sweet almond dessert crackers. We understand that most people do not see crackers as a...
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