Easy Extra Crispy Cheese Straws

This is another easy recipe in our Summer Dessert Recipe Series. Extra Crispy Cheese Straws are simple to make.  And most of the ingredients you will already have on hand at home. The only difference in the regular cheese straws that everyone makes for parties is the...

Summer Fun 3 Ingredient Caramel Bomb Recipe

Continuing the Summer Dessert Recipe Series, today we give you a recipe for Easy 3 Ingredient Caramel Bombs. These are, of course, edible bombs. Caramel bombs are a nice, quick, easy recipe. The ingredients are ones that many people already keep in their homes and...

Easy Deluxe Cucumber Sandwich Recipe

or Pineapple Cucumber Sandwiches With our Summer Dessert Recipe Series in full swing, we have another quick, easy recipe for you. Deluxe cucumber sandwiches are finger-food-sized, cool and refreshing and so easy to make. The kids can get involved with this easily, as...

Mimi’s Famous Cowboy Cookies

Today is our second recipe in the Summer Dessert Recipe Series. This recipe is a family and friends’ favorite.  Mimi’s famous cowboy cookies are known far and wide in our county and beyond. We have no idea why they are called cowboy cookies, there are no actual...
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