Made In The USA companies we love and support

Here on the farm, we feel it is important to support those who hold similar truths as we do. We do not get involved in politics, that is only one huge headache. But it is important to know what you believe and who you believe in. It may be considered political...

Ways to safeguard against losing your pet

We consider our pets family members, as many people do. Thinking about your beloved pet, what would you not do to find them if they were lost? A pet owner’s worst nightmare, not knowing where your pet is or knowing your pet has disappeared without a trace. Here are a...

How to DIY a mango tree from seed

I do not know about you but we are always trying out new things. We like to try new foods and new ways to grow our own food. We have been experimenting with growing fruits and veg from seed. This process is usually fairly simple with most plants. Some plants do take a...
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