How to DIY up-scale a rose bed naturally

Do you look out and see an old, weedy, grass taken flower bed? Do you look at your neighbor’s “perfect” yard and wonder how much time and money they must spend to get it to look like that? Do you think “someday” I will have a cute flower...

How to Replace a Broken Tool Handle

If you are like us, here on the farm, we have tools that have broken or no handles. Today we want to share the step-by-step process on How to Replace a Broken Tool Handle. Some tools are so well used that the wooden handles wear out and break off. Sometime the handle...

How to DIY a light in a globe

This will be a talk on a DIY project that we recently worked on. We made a night light with a rose, a string of fairy lights, and a plastic craft globe. You can, of course, use any kind of globe you like, plastic or glass. You do not really even have to use a globe it...

Happy 4th of July America

Happy 4th of July to all members of the Armed Forces all around the world.  Thank you for serving and protecting our country. Happy 4th of July to all true, red-blooded Americans, who love the U.S.A. God Bless America and keep her.   Thank you for: Being proud to...
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